For more than 2000 years a “Femminielli Community” has existed in Naples. The community is part of the city’s culture and religious life, but life as femminielli and transgender still comes at a high price. In the documentary we enter a world that most people can only gaze at from afar.

Da oltre 2000 anni esiste a Napoli una comunità di “Femminielli”. La comunità fa parte della cultura e della vita religiosa della città, ma la vita da femminielli e transgender ha ancora un prezzo elevato. Nel documentario entriamo in un mondo che la maggior parte delle persone può guardare solo da lontano.

I mere end 2000 år har der i Napoli eksisteret et “Femminelli Community” - en tradition, der har sin helt egen plads i byens kultur og religiøse ritualer, men livet som femminelli og transkønnet har en høj pris. I dokumentaren kommer vi ind i en verden, der normalt er lukket for udenforstående.

🇩🇰Danish/Italian🇮🇹 documentary by Noa Agnete Metz


Director | Noa Agnete Metz
Producers | Noa Agnete Metz, Carlo Christian Spano
Photography | Carlo Christian Spano
Additional Camera | Luis Padilla
Editing | Carlo Christian Spano

Audio Mix | Giovanni Perez
Music | Michael Vignola


The Madonna of Montevergine has a reputation for helping queer people since medieval times — including the miraculous rescue of a male couple left to die in Italy more than 750 years ago. Processions to her shrine have been called “ancestral gay pride” marches and Italian LGBTQ activists have adopted her as an unofficial patron saint.

The miracle at Montevergine may be the only recorded miracle in church history in which the Madonna saves a pair of same-sex lovers from homophobic violence.

Montevergine’s biggest and queerest procession happens every year on Candlemas (Feb. 2), the feast of the Purification of Mary.

Daughters of Naples, Noa Agnete Metz, Carlo Christian Spano, Poster